Why You Should Repair Your Roof in the Fall

Why You Should Repair Your Roof in the Fall

Repairing and re-shingling a roof is not an easy job.  Standing on a roof all day can be hot work and hard on the back, plus you have to get everything done as fast as possible so you don’t have to worry about rain-catching you by surprise.  That’s why timing is important, and the best time to repair a roof is usually in the fall.


Less Frequent Storms


In our area the worst storms usually happen in spring and summer.  Fall is usually a drier season thanks to the cold north air that starts to blow, which means roofers can rely on longer stretches of calm weather they can use to repair or replace a roof.  Fall is also a good time to assess your roof:  you can see the damage the latest storm season has done before snow can bury the roof and put stress on the shingles.


Not Too Hot


As fall advances and the temperature drops, it becomes much easier to work on a rooftop.  Asphalt shingles tend to absorb and radiate a lot of the sun’s heat, which is why it can be so much hotter on a roof than it is on the ground.  In fall the temperature difference isn’t as high, plus the roof being hotter doesn’t matter as much when the daily high is in the 60s.  As a homeowner, that means the repair or replacement job will go faster since your contractors won’t have to stop for breaks and water bottles as often.


Not Too Cold


Snow obviously gets in the way of roofing jobs, but even if your roof is clear of snow and ice winter is a bad time to try and repair your roof.  Asphalt shingles, in particular, need heat so the adhesive on them can fully bind them together and seal your roof, and that won’t happen when the temperature is consistently below the freezing point.  Asphalt shingles also become more brittle thanks to the cold temperatures, and that means they’re more likely to break as roofers try to put them in place.


More Roofers Ready To Go


Winter is the off-season for roofing jobs, and so many roofing contractors close down completely until the temperature starts going back up in spring.  This means you’ll have a hard time finding a contractor who will even take a job scheduled during the winter months.  Between that and the trouble with the shingles, you’re much more likely to get a poor-quality roofing job in winter even if you do manage to get a discount.


Between the four big seasons, fall is the best season to schedule a roofing job.  Whether it’s a quick repair or a complete roof replacement, fall is dry, warm enough to allow shingles to seal, cool enough to make the work go quickly, and available enough for you to count on finding a good contractor for the job.  And if you live in our service area, you can count on Wilkinson Roofing to do the job quickly and professionally.